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How to change image size in Paint?

    Open paint program in windows click on - Resize shown like below  

After click on resize you will get window like below image shown,There is two option Percentage and pixel.. Percentage is used if you what to change your photo size in directly in percentage it means it decrease/increase that percent of image size..
Pixel: It is used generally  You can change your image size by pixel..
Maintain aspect ratio; It will be main your original image ratio if you want to give your own input size then deselect sign to which is shown in maintain ratios box
see below images for better understanding

    If we use pixel and main ration. and give input 200 pixel horizontal we selected maintain             ratio so vertical input automatically changes as per images own ratio..

    Output of 200 input horizontal with maintain ratio

     With out maintain ratio given input 1000 horizontal no changes in vertical input..we can see       it..both input are choose by us only!

    Out put for input 1000 pixel horizontal and 150 pixel vertical

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